Last night we had a well deserved family night. We spend time with each other at the soccer fields, at church, with friends and family but rarely just the three of us go out. So as soon as Chad got home from work we loaded up the car and went to eat dinner and then went to see a movie. Yes friends, we took Grace to see the Bee Movie. We had so much fun and Grace was awesome, she exceeded my expectations. She was amazed by the big screen. At the beginning every time a preview would end she would sign more and then say, "AGAIN, AGAIN". And once the movie begin she was great, she sat with Chad, then me, then her own chair, then the cycle started over again and all the while we all ate some of her Halloween candy. She did become a little squirmy near the end but I took her to the bathroom put on her pjs and then she came back in and watched the rest of the movie. As soon as she hit the carseat at 10PM she was sound asleep. What a great night!!!
I didn't get any pictures of us out but I got some of Grace waiting for daddy in the front yard! What do you do when you daughter picks flowers for you, you put them behind your ear...even if they are dead.
On a side note: The new baby is on the move. I started feeling it about two or three weeks ago but Chad felt it last night!!! It is truly one of the most amazing things. I forgot how much I enjoyed feeling Grace move around in my tummy. And on Monday we go in for another ultrasound. Everyone keep your fingers crossed that the baby cooperates this time.
Children of 9/11 Full Movie Watch Online
7 years ago
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