Thursday, June 18, 2009

Vacation Bible Camp

Our church just finished VBC for 2009. It was a great week. Grace attended as a participant for the first year and had a good time. She had a great leader and talked about "camp" all day. Chad and I both served each night.
Our youth group kids ROCK! They stepped up and were the best volunteers.
Grace at games. The cute girl on the left is Brandie, her crew leader.

Olivia was in the nursery each night and enjoyed playing with all the kids. She loved flirting with everyone. In the picture below she is with one of our amazing volunteers, Gensis.
At first Grace did not want to get up front to sing the preschool song...but after bribing her with the water slide she stood up front. She didn't sing but she bounced up and down and clapped.

Chad was the host of the opening program each night and did a great job!

The last night we had a water slide. Before the night even begun both girls were playing on it minus the water.

But after it got dark and all 140 kids had a turn on the slide, Grace and I enjoyed the water slide with the youth kids. Grace loved it and was so proud of herself for keeping up with the teenagers.


Mommy said...

I wish my oldest could have participated at VBS in our church. She is not 4 yet so, they didn't let her :( Looks like so much fun for them! Oh year :)