My sweet little girl is fourteen months. She has the best little personality! She is a mama's girl and thinks she needs to be with me at all times. She is one of the only toddlers I know that would rather sit on the sofa with her parents instead of play with toys. She is still not walking...she can walk but chooses not to...I guess we need to get her off the sofa. She will take steps when she thinks no one is looking and she will push toys around the house but the fastest mode of transportation is crawling. Olivia loves to talk! She has a lot of words and gibberish. My favorite things she says right now is...Gracie, thank you, and telling the dog to GO. Olivia is starting to identify body parts and follows one step directions such as stomp your feet or retrieving an item. Olivia loves music and will dance anytime she hears music. She also tries to sing songs. She is super sensitive. If she thinks she is in trouble she pokes out the bottom lip and cries the most pitiful cry. She still screams when she wants her way. A nice high pitch embrassing scream. She loves people and flirts with anybody she can with her huge smile and cute wave. She absolutely loves Grace and leans into her to share hugs. I believe one of her favorite things is waking Grace up on school and church mornings. She also became attached to her daddy while he was home for the last few months. She squeals anytime he gets home and cries when she sees him leave. She is a pretty easy going child that takes in every part of life she can. She is a blessing to our family!
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7 years ago