We had an amazing Christmas! It was our first family Christmas on our own. We spent Christmas Eve at church and then came home to read the Christmas story, eat dinner and open one gift. After the girls were asleep Santa's elves went to work to get all the gifts ready. Mommy and daddy were both up before the Grace and Olivia on Christmas morning. We woke them up a little after eight. The girls were all excited with squeals and giggles. Grace's gifts from Santa that she asked for were an easel with paint and roller skates. Olivia got a baby doll swing and a crayon desk that sings. They both got lots more great gifts from friends and family.

Grace asleep in her bed on Christmas Eve night

Christmas Morning

This year we let Grace go to the dollar tree and buy gifts for mommy, daddy, Olivia, Copa, Maw Maw and Paw Paw all on her own. It was very interesting to see what she chose for each person. She was SO excited about buying wrapping and giving her gifts. You can see how proud she is in the picture below as daddy is thanking her for his notepad and highlighters.
Mommy got a figurine doll
Olivia got a pink flashlight
Copa got dog treats
Maw Maw got a spatula
Paw Paw got a flashlight

Olivia got several babies this Christmas. They were each a BIG hit!

This girl was in heaven on Christmas morning. Below she is was a bag (a sleeping bag) and candy.

Copa enjoying her Christmas presents.

Grace in her apron, panties and high heels.

And Santa's big surprise was a trampoline!!!
It was so cute, we had a big red bow in the middle of the den on Christmas morning. Grace nor Olivia ever noticed it. So we finally asked Grace to check outside to see if the reindeer ate the special food we left them. She looked outside and told us the food was still there then she said, "There is a jumpy, Mommy come look, there is a jumpy, Santa left a jumpy!!!". So cute!
And I promise Chad is excited about it.

Christmas evening was spent at the lake at Maw Maw and Paw Paw's. Great time eating Waffle House (the chicken my mom cooked was gross, something was wrong with it so we order Waffle House to go...memories). Hanging out with each other and opening gifts. The sunset was beautiful that night.
All four grand kids

Maw Maw with the girls

My sister and I

And attempt to take a picture with my girls

My sister, my mom and I