Seven Months Old! The first year of life seems just too fast. Olivia continues to be a sweet content little girl. The last month has been rather eventful with spider bites, roseola and reaction to her antibiotics. She was also left over night with daddy for the first time. She was a good for her daddy eating her food, taking bottles and only waking once at night. That's right, I still have a baby who does not sleep through the day she will. She continues to talk by squealing at people and toys. She is a pro at sitting up and is attempting to go from laying down to sitting up on her own. She just started in the last day or two getting her knees up underneath her. She really would like to crawl but the best way for her to get around is pushing herself backwards on her belly, she is not a roller like Grace was. She enjoys standing at her toys with support. She loves playing peek a boo and will but anything up to her face to play. Olivia's favorite place to play is on the floor, she already hates being contained in the exersaucer, etc. Her favorite TV show is Sesame Street. She now is breastfeeding four to five times a day and is eating solids three times a day. She loves Cheerios, Gerber puffs and crackers. She is now down to two naps a day unless we are out and about, then she will take several catnaps in the car. Olivia is still in love with her sister. She loves climbing on her, hugging her, playing peek a boo with her and pulling her hair. Pictures coming soon.
Here is Grace (below) at seven months...They don't looks as much alike as they did when they did at birth. Olivia has more hair so it seems much darker. Their hair parts differently. They are about the same size. AND those eyes, they have the same blue eyes!
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