Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Keeping Me Busy

The girls are keeping me busy!

I love love love Olivia's personality but the girl keeps me on my toes.
She loves markers. I hate markers. You should see her baby doll, she is just as cute with black marker on her.
I thought having the cheez-its on the bar counter top was high enough away from little hands. She is just so proud of herself. (And these two things happened within five minutes of each other. Just to show you how busy she is.)

Grace continues to love school. This week they were studying the letter D. Isn't she a cute dog!

And she is just so excited that she got to bring home the class mascot, Champ. He gets to spend the weekend with us. We write a little about what he did with us and then send him back on Monday.


Anonymous said...

The girls are becoming more beautiful every day...I'm sure you have your hands full.

Love All,
