Olivia is now one and a half. Where is my little baby going? Olivia continues to be such a character. She loves being around people and showing off. Her facial expressions are so cute and funny...she knows they get others attention. She loves to feed herself and ask for "juice" all day. Even though "juice" can be milk, water, etc. She likes to drink mommy and daddy's diet coke too. She has started sitting with us in a booth when we go out to eat. She does pretty good and is much happier. And just this past weekend has graduated from a stroller at the soccer games. Olivia is repeating new words every day. Words that you will hear from her often are, pipi (paci), goca (copa, our dog), juice, shoe, baby, dada, mama, ball, peese (please) and bye bye. She loves baby dolls. She will push them in strollers, feed them, kiss them and carries them around under her arm. She can point out must of her main body parts; hair, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, tongue, hands, feet and belly. Olivia is currently in "non eating" phase but that could be that she has ANOTHER double ear infection. She is still in love with her paci...what a hard habit it will be to break. She now tells you when she is wet or dirty by patting her bottom and then bringing you a diaper. She has asked to sit on the potty several times but nothing has happened. She is such an independent girl wanting to walk holding hands, climbing in the car, telling the dog what to do, taking her clothes off...Enjoy all the pictures below of my sweet, crazy, lovable girl.
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2 days ago
amy - i could just eat both of them up. precious. we must get our girls together one day maybe at smoke rise or something. can't believe she's 1.5!
Oh I love her brown outfit...she looks adorable! I also love the black and white photo....very nice! I know they grow so fast don't they?
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