Thursday, November 29, 2007

22 months old

Can we really only be two months away from our second birthday? I pulled out newborn clothes this morning trying to see what I have for Olivia and I just can't believe how small the clothes are. Was Grace really that small? She sure is maturing fast. In the last two months she has diffidently become a little girl. She moved into her big girl room and has slept in her big girl bed ever since. Once she had a taste of that bed there was no turning back to the crib. My favorite part of Grace being in her new bed is that she gets out of the bed in the morning, opens her door and comes and finds us. She also got her first hair cut. She only has one more baby tooth to come in (her bottom right eye tooth) and then it's only molars from there. She is still trying to talk more and put more and more words together. She will answer questions with one word answers or by pointing. I think she would talk more but we can't seem to keep the paci out of her mouth. (I know the time will come for me to get rid of it, but I'm just not there yet.) She loves coloring. But trust me washable crayons are the only way to go. She is very good at only coloring on paper but she is not good at staying within the four edges of the paper. She also loves stickers, tape, band-aids, anything that has a sticky side. She loves watching TV. Gracie and daddy have a favorite show they love to watch at night together. I'd tell you what it is but I'm a little embarrassed that my child likes this adult animated show. She still loves getting out and seeing the world although she doesn't like getting into the carseat b/c she would rather sit and try to buckle the buckles over and over again and she is a bear to keep in a buggie or stroller. She would rather walk in a store, which is fine when daddy is with us but try grocery shopping with a toddler who doesn't want to stay in a buggie. As soon as Grace hears that we are going out she has to find socks and shoes and loves putting them on all by herself. She has gotten really good at it, 90% of the time they are on the right feet. She is beginning to hate the highchair at restaurants. She have to trick her to get her in one and then buckle her in real fast, if not she ends up standing beside us in a booth. She still has no interest in potty training and I haven't pushed the issue at all. She loves to take her pants and diaper off but if you don't put a new diaper on within minutes there is pee on the floor. We did buy a stool for the bathroom and she loves to get up and turn on the water and brush her teeth all by herself. Thankfully she has also found a new love for babies! Every time we see one in a store she points it out and wants to see it. She also is in love with her baby doll. She likes to feed her, put diapers on her and tote her around the house. If you now ask her were Olivia is she will point to my belly. Too cute! Only about 14 more weeks left of being an only child.

More Christmas in the house

More excitment with Christmas in the house. The first picture is of Grace sitting in a Christmas decoration. The little wicker chair is suppose to be for a stuffed Santa but it's Grace's perfect size. She carries it around the house till she finds the perfect spot then sits.
Yesterday Maw Maw came by and brought her first two Christmas presents of the season. What a difference a year makes. There was no telling her how to open the present. She knew what needed to be done as she tore the paper off. She was so excited!

Her first present was Christmas pjs. Can you tell by the look on Grace's face that she likes it?
Another gift was a book called Elf on the Shelve. If you have not heard about it I am sure you will on this blog in years to come. Below is a picture of Grace with the new shoes Paw Paw bought her. She was so excited and had to put them on right away. This girl loves shoes and loves putting them on all by herself.
Grace sporting her new pjs.
Grace got her very own Christmas tree in her room. She thinks she is hot stuff!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like...

CHRISTMAS This weekend we started decorating for Christmas. It is fun having little hands helping this year. I have to say this is my favorite time of the year.

Grace was an extremely silly little girl, she thought sitting on the

wooden reindeer was the funniest thing in the world.

They are having a little father daughter talk before they start decorating.
Grace putting the first ornament on the tree.
Her favorite job was handing out the ornaments.
The tree wouldn't be complete without the star.
TOO FUNNY! YUM! Daddy brought home a special treat from work.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Every Thanksgiving when I think of what I am thankful for these thoughts come to my mind:
our church

This year I have two new of course is my healthy pregnancy and Olivia coming in March. The second is friends! I have always had great friends but I have always kind of taken them for granted. But this year on Thanksgiving morning we all woke up at the lake to find out both my parents had gotten the stomach virus over night. So we loaded up the car with the dog, Grace and Hudson and headed home. On that trip home all I could think is, can we celebrate Thanksgiving just the four of us. No food for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, much less any food in the house. I then had a few friends names that popped into my mind. Could I really call and ask if we could join them? I did call and my friend took my family in, in a heartbeat. That's what friends are for. And I am very thankful for my friends.

I attempted to take pictures but did not get anything good. But I'll share what I did get.

Grace and Hudson at the lake.

Grace pushing Erin around the house while they waited for dinner.

Hudson after we stole a cookie.


Monday, November 19, 2007

Fun with Hudson

My sister Carrie and her husband Eric went to Italy for Thanksgiving and my mom and I have been sharing my nephew Hudson. The Maddox family had a very busy weekend and Hudson went right with the flow. We had a great time with him and we are looking forward to spending the end of the week with him at Maw Maw and Paw Paw's lake house.

At the soccer fields!
Hudson didn't want to get his picture made, he wanted to play with his stick.Grace taking making sure he was alright.
Wrestling with daddy.Hudson just loves Uncle Chad! Grace talking on the phone to Paw Paw.
Pictures before we went to church. Do you like the nice mark on Grace's head? She was a little top heavy at the soccer fields and lost her balance as she was leaning down to pick something up. It will make nice Christmas pictures.I love the expression on Grace's face!

Watching the cows in the backyard. Grace helping Hudson, but this might of taken it a little too far.

Lunch on can tell Erin and Grace both had long weekends!This is from last week but I thought it was so cute.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


This morning Grace woke up as my baby and then she went down for her nap as my big girl...

After lunch I cleaned up, changed diapers, and told Grace to get her bunny and paci for night night. As I followed her to her room she pointed to her new big girl room. Just to play around with her I let her get in the big bed. I turned off her lights, closed blinds and went to leave the room. Thinking that she would then call my name and want me to come back and pick her up, but as I turned around she told me night night. I left the room and watched through the cracked door. She played and looked around for a few minutes then laid down, within ten minutes she was asleep. In ten minutes she became my big girl. I am not ready. I was thinking a few more weeks or at the beginning of the year, there is no bed rails, no monitor. How did she know it was time? How did she know that is where she was suppose to now lay her head? What happened???

UPDATE: Big Girl Room

We finished the room last night. Chad worked extra hard moving around furniture to get it ready. So at midnight last night we were done! (Other then final touches like lamp, curtains, bookcase, etc.) Grace saw her room done this morning. She first said, "Daddy work", b/c she has been her daddy in there each night this week working his butt off. Then she went to her nightstand and put your bunny and paci in it. She then saw her ducky and another paci on the bed and wanted to get up on the bed. That is when she took it all in. She kept saying, "cool". (Her new word which was fitting.) She sat there for a few minutes and just watched the butterflies spin. I think she is going to like her room!
I don't know when Grace will start sleeping in there, maybe after the Thanksgiving holidays.

The butterflies...I think this is my favorite part of the room. Look at that smile:).
Watching the butterflies.

Start to move in some stuff.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Big Girl Room

We have been working on Grace a big girl room, well let me take that back, Chad has been working on Grace's big girl room. We went last week and found Grace a bedding set from Pottery Barn Kids. And one of the coolest traits my husband has is once he starts a project he works on it very hard to finish it. And he is a cute little handy man. The room is finished yet but you can get an idea.

Monday, November 12, 2007

First Hair Cut

Chad and I took Grace tonight to Snip-Its to get her first hair cut. Maw Maw met us there for the special event. I have to admit that I was the one scared. I had this fear that they would cut all her hair off or that she would pitch such a fit that we would have to leave half way through. BUT it went well. There was a wait so Grace was able to play around and watch others get their hair cut. When it was her turn she was excited and went right to sit in the seat. And then she realized that a strange women would be touching her head and the tears started. With the tears also came screaming. She did calm down a little by the end. They also listened to me and just trimmed it up. You can barely tell she got it cut but they took about an inch off the end. Hopefully it will start filling out now. All in all it was a very good experience!

Before Pictures:
The Cut

Grace enjoyed watching those really weird fuzzy things pop around on the ground.

Checking out the new cut
Maw Maw and Grace
After Pictures:
She was so giddy on the way home. I think she was a little proud of herself. And look at the little braid they put in her hair.
Check out the cute stuff they put in her hair. I Love it!